The Influence of Service Quality on Purchase Intention Mediated by Brand Awareness in Healthy Food Culinary
The objective of this research is to examine the impact of service quality, product quality, promotion, and price on purchase intention with customer satisfaction and brand awareness as mediating variables in the context of healthy food culinary in Batam, Indonesia. Quantitative methods with a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach are used to collect data from consumers who have purchased healthy foods. The results showed that brand awareness has a significant mediating role in linking service quality with purchase intention, while customer satisfaction also has an important influence on purchase intention. In addition, product quality has a significant impact on brand awareness and purchase intention. However, promotion and price do not have a significant effect on purchase intention. This research provides valuable insights for the healthy food culinary industry in Batam to develop marketing strategies that are more effective in attracting and retaining customers interested in healthy food. In conclusion, brand awareness, customer satisfaction, product quality, and service quality play a key role in shaping consumer purchase intentions on healthy foods, and implementing better strategies in these aspects can increase customer attraction and satisfaction.
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