Stabilization of Expansive Clay with Sand on CBR Value
Soil properties and environmental conditions are factors that can affect the volatility of expansive soils, namely the expansion and shrinkage properties of the development in expansive soils consisting of clayey soils with a very large shrinkage. Many areas in Indonesia have expansive soil types, including those found in western areas, including Cikampek, Cikarang, Bandung, and Serang. The objectives of this research are to identify the properties of expansive soil by finding the physical and mechanical properties of soil. The method used is to find the values of index properties and engineering properties, which will be correlated with the soil minerals contained therein. Based on the test results, there is an effect of sand addition to compacted expansive soil on stability (CBR); expansive soil undergoes positive changes after mixing with sand, and optimization is achieved at the addition of sand reaching 20%.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kukuh Mahi Sudrajat, Muhammad Isradi, Joewono Prasetijo, Thomas Setiabudi Aden, Andri Irfan Rifai

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