A Study on the Curriculum Design for K-12 AI Education Using Knowledge Graph

  • Dong Hwa Kim
  • Rojina Shakya
Keywords: 4KW, AI education, 4th industrial revolution, S/W Education, ChatGPT


The 4th industrial revolution, AI, and ChatGPT have been advancing up as key topics in industrial areas and educational systems. This paper deals with the educational curriculum for the effective nurturing of manpower including the ChatGPT. ChatGPT and AI are highly impacting on educational systems as well as in many industrial areas because ChatGPT can be easily used by everyone to ask questions and get responses about any field. In particular, it helps young students for composing various written content, including articles, and essays, as well as debugging and fixing code. In the coming future, millions of jobs are speculated to be replaced by AI as AI can effectively perform jobs that need automation, such as data collection and repetitive tasks. Therefore, revising education methods and curriculum systems has become a high necessity in today’s time.  However, the government and its representatives do not fully realize how important the change is for education. Thus, this paper provides education methods and curriculum for AI education including ChatGPT by analyzing many papers, reports, and previous experiences.


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How to Cite
Kim, D. H., & Shakya, R. (2023). A Study on the Curriculum Design for K-12 AI Education Using Knowledge Graph. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 3(4), 515-531. Retrieved from https://ejsit-journal.com/index.php/ejsit/article/view/277