Employing Sociotechnical System for Organization Development: Developing a Crime Statistics Database for Nigerian Law Enforcement Organizations
Sociotechnical systems are a method for complex organizational work design that considers how people and technology interact in the workplace. Accordingly, this research is concerned with the development of a crime statistics database system as a socio-technical system which would become instrumental in the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement organizations in Nigeria and cornerstone to national security through provision of authentic criminal intelligence information, which can easily be shared among various security organizations. The aim of this study is to therefore develop a central database-driven information system for capturing and reporting crimes. This crime statistics database is intended to become a de facto sharing tool as well as cross-referencing points for different security and intelligence organizations in the country as well as statisticians, social workers, private, public investigators and other stakeholders. The following programming applications were used for developing the system: PHP Hypertext Pre-Processor, Asynchronous JavaScript and Extensible Markup Language (AJAX), Cascading Style Sheet version 3, Bootstrap, Media Querries, Mobile Hypertext Markup Language version 5, JavaScript libraries - JQuery Mobile, JQuery User Interface, JavaScript, PhpMyAdmin and MYSQL database engine. The Object-Oriented System Analysis and Structured Design (OOSASD) methodology was chosen for analysis, design and development of the system. Use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagrams and an operational flow chart were the chosen sub-sets of Unified Modeling Language (UML) notations and techniques. In addition to the penal code and crime analysis, the study examined existing paper-based crime statistics databases, then acknowledged and addressed their loopholes using a web-based database-driven software that can store history records of criminals, dangerous deviants and terrorists with mobile phones, tablets, computers, PDAs and handheld devices.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kenneth Chibuzor Ofokansi, Nnanna Onuoha Arukwe, Jolly Orji Kalu, Chika Raphael Offor, Precious Chiamaka Eke

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