Integrating Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Views of Student Teachers from a Higher Institution of learning in Central Zambia

  • M. K. Kanchebele-Sinyangwe
  • J. Sinyangwe
Keywords: Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) content, views, integration techniques, student teachers


Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is fundamental to improving Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) knowledge and strengthening SRH decision making capacity among young people. However, the way the CSE content is integrated in the Higher and Tertiary Education Institutions (HTEIs) curricular can have an impact on the quality of the content itself and how it is accessed and used. This qualitative case study attempted to examine HTEI student teachers’ views on the CSE content and content integration techniques or strategies. The study particularly focused on the content which can be included in CSE for students and how CSE content can be effectively integrated in the student teachers’ training curricular. Data collected, through a questionnaire with open-ended questions and semi structured interviews, was analyzed using thematic and content analysis approach. The findings reveal the realities, including opportunities and challenges, linked to the integration of CSE content from students' perspectives. They show that CSE content for student teachers is largely two-fold: content for students’ personal consumption as well as content and skill for disseminating relevant and age-appropriate content to learners upon completion of studies. They also show that there is no ‘one model fits all approach’ in as far as effective integration of CSE content and content delivery is concerned. It is concluded that multiple context relevant integration techniques need to be considered, by all who have the opportunity to engage with student teachers, to promote sustainable integration of quality CSE content in the existing HTEI curricular especially for the student teachers who themselves are being prepared to be teachers and hence future CSE educators.


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How to Cite
Kanchebele-Sinyangwe, M. K., & Sinyangwe, J. (2023). Integrating Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Views of Student Teachers from a Higher Institution of learning in Central Zambia. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 3(4), 406-418. Retrieved from