Circular Slotted Half Hexagonal Patch Multiband Antenna Design for 5G Applications
In this article, a simple circular slotted half hexagonal patch antenna is designed for multiband applications. This antenna has nine resonant frequencies viz. 1.81GHz, 2.36 GHz, 3.45 GHz, 3.65 GHz, 5.14 GHz, 5.49 GHz, 5.99 GHz, 7.15 GHz and 7.71 GHz with acceptable peak realized gain of 3.42 dBi, 2.69 dBi, 3.51 dBi, 1.15 dBi, 3.05 dBi, 4.66dBi, 6.20 dBi, 5.78 dBi and 7.68 dBi respectively. Less than -10 dB reflection coefficients (S11) are achieved in all the frequency bands. Therefore, this antenna can be used for 5G sub-6 GHz (lower band) applications. Along with this, this antenna can also be operated for aviation, satellite communications and wireless communications. It is observed that on introduction of a circular slot on the patch, the resonant frequencies may be controlled by varying the slot radius. A prototype of this antenna is fabricated on FR-4 substrate with good agreement between simulated and measured results.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mishor Biswas, Kaushik Patra, Soham Ghosh, Bhaskar Gupta

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