The Socio-Economic Welfare Contribution of Ulugh Khan Jahan to the Islamic Civilization in Bengal during the 15th Century CE
Ulugh Khan Jahan (1369 CE-1459 CE) was a great Sufi, Islamic scholar, and politician in fifteenth century Bengal. He was a committed and sincere Islamic scholar and social activist who appeared as a socio-economic-religious reformist for the welfare of the Bengal people. The aspect of his life and contribution has received less attention from scholars compared to his thought and agenda in the sphere of Sufism. However, he worked hard to promote Muslims to enhance socio-economic aspects and integrate the revealed knowledge with civilizational spheres. He presented his reformative and integrated ideas for the welfare of humanity for all communities. This study used the qualitative method by which data will be collected and analyzed from the primary and secondary texts. The present study aims to investigate Khan Jahan's inclusive socio-economic welfare contribution to Islamic civilization as a means to its realization as reflected in some of his literary works. It seeks to explain comprehensively why he focused on such a bold vision and how he initiated to achieve the goal of socio-economic welfare while acknowledging the religious and cultural differences between Muslims and Hindus. Highlighted in this discussion are the salient features of socio-economic enhancements during his time that influenced others later developments. This study also discusses the significance and relevance of his thoughts and ideas on the issue for contemporary Bangladesh particularly and the society.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Akram Uddin, Mst. Rownok Jahan

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