Open Social Innovation: A New Paradigm for Thriving Social Organizations (Case of Public Health Organizations)

  • Rachid Oumlil
  • Jamal Laziz
  • Noura Karim
  • Mustapha Bengrich
Keywords: open social innovation, public health organization, social organization, social innovation, systematic literature review, benefits


Up today, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on social organizations are still unexplored. Several innovation efforts were made from both of the academicians and the professionals to understand these impacts and to solve the issues generated by this pandemic. However, these efforts are with no interesting results caused by adoption of the social innovation practices inappropriate to the post pandemic situation.

Public health organizations are part of the social organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. They were faced to diverse issues owing in serval times their inability to satisfy all demands. Hence the need for the new innovation practices to beat the potential consequences of this pandemic. Open Social Innovation (OSI) as a new paradigm of innovation turns out to be an alternative mode of innovation to thrive these organization during the post pandemic period.

The primary goal of this communication would be identifying opportunities that OSI affords to public healthcare organizations, then categorizing them following many criteria. As the research on OSI devoted to health is still in a primary stage, authors noted the quasi absence of the studies on the impacts of this mode of innovation.

To do, authors referred to articles underlining the general benefits of open innovation during the last decade (Oumlil et al., 2020) and used articles displaying the relevant benefits of social innovation for the period ranging from 1980 to April 2023. Afterwards, a meta-analysis of the selected papers was conducted using IRaMuTeQ 0.7 alpha 2 software. Results highlight eleven interrelated categories of OSI opportunities for the public health organizations: hospital performance; hospital innovation process; hospital environment; health products and services; health knowledge and cooperation; patient; health problem alleviation; hospital resilience and sustainability; hospital competitivity and governance; well-being and social responsibility; and hospital risk management.


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How to Cite
Oumlil, R., Laziz, J., Karim, N., & Bengrich, M. (2023). Open Social Innovation: A New Paradigm for Thriving Social Organizations (Case of Public Health Organizations). European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 3(4), 292-304. Retrieved from