Economic Diplomacy and Leadership in Africa: The Impact of Conflict and Conflict Resolution
This paper appraised the existence of conflict and the importance of conflict resolution for a sound and healthy economic diplomacy and leadership in the Sahel region of Africa. Recently, this region has been affected by high conflict and poverty. In this region of Africa, many have lived in displacement as a result of a continuous conflict (internal and organizational conflict) that cut across all the countries that make up the Sahel region. The region comprises countries that occupy the areas stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to eastward Senegal all through to Sudan. These countries are Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Sudan. From the data available, the level of conflict violence in this region is unprecedented, which has affected the bilateral relations this region has with other nations of the world. The current challenges of the Sahel region require holistic and strategic long-term solutions. Providing protection and humanitarian aid to those affected in the conflict areas of the region must remain a priority but not the ultimate solution; this will save many lives and prevent the vulnerable states from collapsing further. Also, efforts to confront corruption and promote good leadership are an important goal for all, and efforts must be made to address the region's long-term underlying problems, such as climate change, food shortage, and bad leadership. Without that, all effort will be in vain.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Akindele, O.O., Akinsokeji, R.A., Okoli, C.I.

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