Perception of Extreme Climatic Events on Bananas around the Petit Balè Dam in the Boromo Commune (Burkina Faso)
The aim of this study is to analyse local extreme weather events and their impact on the banana sector, as perceived by small-scale producers in the village of Lapara, in the municipality of Boromo. To do this, primary data was collected using a survey method. One hundred producers were interviewed in the field using questionnaires. The study showed that small banana growers have a wide range of socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics. They perceive rainfall extremes (R95P, SDII, CWD, R10mm) and temperature extremes (TXx). The study also showed that climate extremes lead to problems such as reduced banana quality, lower producer incomes, loss of banana production and a reduction in the area planted along the main river bed. It is therefore important that local authorities adopt proactive strategies to help growers cope with climatic extremes.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Joseph YAMÉOGO, Songanaba ROUAMBA, Korotimi SANOU, Richard ZONGO, Pawendkisgou Isidore YANOGO

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