Farmers’ Management of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Variety Diversity in Maniema, Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Bopol MOKE
  • Dimanche YENGA
Keywords: varietal diversity, identification criteria, taxonomy, conservation


Farmers on family farms have a considerable number of cassava cultivars unexploited by research. The objective of this study is to assess the level of cassava diversity and to analyze its management. A survey following a participatory approach with questionnaires was conducted among 215 farmers in 43 villages. A significant diversity of cultivars was found by the Shannon index (3.38), 35 vernacular names were inventoried. Highly significant differences were noticed for the number of cultivars which varies from 2 to 12 per village (6 on average). The variation between households is low, 1 to 4 cultivars (2 on average). The number of extinct cultivars varies from 1 to 14 (3.8 on average) per village. The loss of varietal diversity is on average 18.2% and varies between 11% and 50% depending on the villages. Farmers recognize cultivars from leaves and stems. The main criteria for cultivar selection are based on productivity, taste and the size of the tuberous roots. Exchanges of planting materials (cuttings) are made between local farmers (60.84%).


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How to Cite
MOKE, B., SHADARI, S., & YENGA, D. (2023). Farmers’ Management of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Variety Diversity in Maniema, Democratic Republic of Congo. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 3(4), 161-173. Retrieved from