Adoption of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model in Online Course Delivery during Covid-19 Pandemic
During the outbreak of covid-19, many universities around the world heavily depended on the line mode of delivering lectures. The lens of the study was in line with the perception of lecturers on the adoption of technological modes for course delivery during the covid-19 pandemic. The study was underpinned by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. The path analysis from the structural model shows a strong positive correlation between performance expectancy (PE) and behavioural intention (BI); effort expectancy (EE) and BI; social expectancy (SE) and BI, facilitating conditions (FC) and use behaviour (UB), and BI and UB. However, lecturers' experiences significantly influence effort expectancy, but experiences have no influence on social expectancy or the facilitating conditions for the adoption of the UTAUT Model. On the other hand, gender differences in lecturers have an impact on PE, EE, and SE in the adoption of the UTAUT model. The age grouping of lecturers had an impact on EE and SE, but the age grouping did not have an impact FC on the adoption of the UTAUT Model. The study concluded that using a digital platform enhanced lecturers’ delivery of online studies, whereas infrastructure development for ICT should be integrated into our course structure to ensure its voluntariness for use in SE. It was understood that the UTAUT model reduced stress because students were not having face-to-face lectures in school. The study also discovered that the covid-19 pandemic has influenced the evolution of technology in lecturers' teaching styles in recent years.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Anaamoatulim Anab, Stephen Kwaku Nyarkoh, Gladys Attah-Gyamfi, Alexander Akumbuno, Elliot Akuna, Flavia Atogkonge Awandare, Chibelitu Wondwoiwe Linda, Bernard Kissi-Abrokwah

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