ASUU Strike on the Academic Performance of Students in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria
The Nigerian public universities are confronted with many challenges, strike action is one of the major problems faced with the institution. This study examined the effect of ASUU strike on student’s academic performance in selected tertiary institutions in Nigeria with particular reference to Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka and Ahmadu Bello University Abu-zaria. A sample of 280 representing 25% of the population was drawn from the total population of 1116 academic students of these tertiary institutions. The study adopted a description survey research design while the instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. The likert five-point scale rating was adopted whereas the data collected was analysed using mean and the hypotheses were tested using Pearson moment correlation coefficient at 5% level of significance. The result of the data analysed showed that strike action by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has a high negative impact on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions. Negligence by government, poor remuneration and inadequate funding of the universities amongst others were identified as the major causes of strike action. Therefore, the study recommended that various tertiary institutions in the country should be granted autonomy and joint consultation committees that would comprise of government representatives and other relevant stakeholders in the educational sector should be set up and meet on periodic intervals to discuss impending matters that could cause disagreement proactively.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nwagbala Stella Chinelo, Okafor Joy Ndidiamaka, Ani Anthony Ejike

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