Functional Literacy, Training and Contribution of Women in Ndjamena to Local Development

  • Hamide Abras Rahma
Keywords: literacy, women, training, empowerment, local development, Ndjamena


This article proposes to study functional literacy and the training of women as a source of local development. The observation in the city of Ndjamena shows that the majority of women received their training in the fields of sewing, ICT (computers), culinary and capillary arts and in the field of embroidery. Admittedly, these women have received this training, but much remains to be done in the area of ​​literacy. From this observation, the problem of functional literacy and training for women arises. How is the literacy and training of women taking place in the city of Ndjamena? Through this study, it is a question of showing that the literacy and training of women constitute a lever for the development of this city because this training contributes to their empowerment. For the realization of this work we consulted the oral, written, electronic sources and a participative observation. We adopted an empirical deductive approach to analyze and understand the contribution of women in local development in the city of Ndjamena, and the summoning of socio-constructivist theory led to the results that functional literacy enabled these women to train in areas such as sewing, computers, culinary arts and hairdressing. Despite the fact that they have undergone training, we can identify constraints related to their training.


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How to Cite
Rahma, H. A. (2023). Functional Literacy, Training and Contribution of Women in Ndjamena to Local Development. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 3(3), 128-137. Retrieved from