Design and Modification of Sieving Machine for Lower Energy Consumption
In this paper, the design and modification of a sieving machine for lower energy consumption was achieved. One of the main goals of this paper is to minimize energy lost due to idleness of the machine which can lead to wear, by incorporating sensors.
The sensor used in this work detects the presence and absence of materials fed into the machine and automatically switches on and off the machines respectively. When a material is fed into the machine, the IR source also known as the transmitter, emits radiation of required wavelength, this radiation reaches the object and is reflected back. The reflected radiation is detected by the IR receiver and is then further processed in the microcontroller to give an output.
The parts of the machine that were modified were designed using solid works software. Every progression of the design was assessed and interpreted in details in this paper. The materials are locally sourced material and the fabrication was done using the sourced materials. The materials used include aluminum for hopper and sieve chamber. The sieve chamber was redesigned to be adjustable to suit different particle sized materials.
Furthermore, the cost effectiveness of the design, fabrication and modification process was considered in the work. It is expected that the project work in this paper will allow industries where sieves are required such as bakeries, construction companies, spices production companies etc., who find sieving process time wasting and energy consuming to consider the introduction of this sieve.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ifeyinwa F. Ogbodo, Ezeagwu C. Ogwugwuam, Emmanuel U. Ogbodo

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