The Impact of Teacher Training Materials Used in Primary Schools on Efficient Learning of Dyslexic Students
Due to the inability of dyslexic students in grasping the recognition of words and developing the language skills of spelling, writing and decoding; despite having high intelligent quotients and higher cognitive abilities, it is very paramount to assist dyslexic children to learn reading skills right from primary school education because if left too late or untreated, the dyslexic child is prone to develop low self-esteem and poor confidence. The major dilemmas faced by the teachers of people with special needs such as dyslexia are the dilemma of identification, curriculum and location. This research seeks to evaluate the impact of teacher training materials used to train teachers at Lagos state Colleges of Education in Nigeria (an institution that mainly trains primary school teachers) on the efficient learning of students with dyslexia based on the UDL principles of providing multiple means of representation, action & expression and engagement. Using the mixed method approach, quantitative data was collected from close-ended questionnaires administered to students and teachers of Colleges of Education in Lagos State, Nigeria, while qualitative data was collected from open-ended questions of the questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. 77 quantitative responses were collected and analyzed using statistical analysis while the qualitative responses were analyzed using content analysis.
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