The Effect of the University’s Core Values and Program Educational Objectives on the Real Estate Management Graduates through the Lens of Human Capital Theory
The purpose of this tracer study is to investigate whether the B.S. Real Estate Management graduates in Mindanao are equipped with sufficient relevant industry skills to start a professional career. The study’s objective is to describe the role of the university's core values and the program educational objectives in determining students' success in the licensure exams and employment. This paper considers the perspective of recent graduates from 2017-2022. The descriptive nonexperimental research design using Kendall's Tau Pairwise Correlations with Vovk-Sellke Maximum p-Ratio to evaluate the strength of association among the five variables was used. Based on the result, a significant moderate association existed between the university's core values and licensure examination, program educational objectives and licensure examination, professional practice, and employability. Moreover, a strong association between the core values and program educational objectives is evident. The paper concludes that the significant association of these variables supports the human capital theory that students consider their college education provides them with a broad range of knowledge and skills, leading to higher earnings and career growth opportunities.
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