The Effect of Movement Pattern in Flight Phase for Long Jump Performance
During the execution of long jump, three different air dynamics are being used, each with its own effect on performance. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the body surface area changes in the frontal plane with the time during the flight phase of long jump performances. The data that support the findings of this study were collected through six national senior male long jumpers at the national trial in Sri Lanka. Each three of the techniques was studied with two of its best performers. The performances were recorded in the frontal and sagittal planes employing two cameras (100 Hz). The coordinates of each athlete’s center of gravity were analyzed for each frame starting from take-off to the landing phase utilizing the human movement analyzing software. The space calibration was completed from the frontal plane and sagittal planes separately. The changes of surface area and the performances of the three techniques were negatively correlated (p<0.05). Consequently, in order to optimize the performance of the long jumper, body surface area on the frontal plane need to minimize into 21 positions out of 50 frames in the execution of flight phase.
Copyright (c) 2022 J. P. Sachini Jayaneththi, A. W. Suraj Chandana

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